MODAL - 2016
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Christophe Biernacki is the head of the M2 “Ingénierie Statistique et Numérique” http://mathematiques.univ-lille1.fr/Formation/ at University Lille 1.

Serge Iovleff is responsible for the Computer Science Licence semester.

  • Licence: Sophie Dabo-Niang, Probability, 24h, Lille 3, France

  • Licence: Serge Iovleff, Discrete Mathématics, 68H, Computer Science, IUT, Lille 1, France

  • Licence: Serge Iovleff, Linear Algebra 24H, Computer Science, IUT, Lille 1, France

  • Licence: Serge Iovleff, Analysis and Numerical Methods, 75H, Computer Science, IUT, Lille 1, France

  • Licence: Serge Iovleff, Graphs and languages, 36H, Computer Science, IUT, Lille 1, France

  • Licence: Serge Iovleff, Mathematical Modelisation, 38H, Computer Science, IUT, Lille 1, France

  • Licence: Serge Iovleff, Internships supervision, 15H, Computer Science, IUT, Lille 1, France

  • Licence: Serge Iovleff, Operational Research, 14H, Computer Science, IUT, Lille 1, France

  • Licence: Guillemette Marot, Biostatistics, 9h, L1, U. Lille Droit et Santé, France

  • Licence: Cristian Preda, Probability, 40h, L1, Polytech'Lille, France

  • Licence: Cristian Preda, Inferential Statistics, 50h, L1, Polytech'Lille, France

  • Licence: Vincent Vandewalle, Probability, 132h, L2, U. Lille 2, France

  • Licence: Vincent Vandewalle, Classification, 32h, L2, U. Lille 2, France

  • Licence: Vincent Vandewalle, Analysis, 24h, L2, U. Lille 2, France

  • Licence: Vincent Vandewalle, Machine Learning, 20h, L3, U. Lille 2, France

  • Master: Christophe Biernacki, coaching project, 10h, M1, U. Lille 1, France

  • Master: Christophe Biernacki, data analysis, 97.5h, M2, U. Lille 1, France

  • Master: Christophe Biernacki, coaching internship, 20h, M2, U. Lille 1, France

  • Master: Sophie Dabo-Niang, Advanced Statistics, 24h, Lille 3, France

  • Master: Sophie Dabo-Niang, Biostatistics Statistics, 40h, Master, Lille 1, France

  • Master: Sophie Dabo-Niang, Non-parametric Statistics, 24h, Master, UGB, Senegal

  • Master: Sophie Dabo-Niang, Spatial Statistics, 24h, Lille 3, France

  • Master: Benjamin Guedj, Statistical Learning: Theory and Algorithms, 18h, Lille 1, France

  • Master: Benjamin Guedj, Statistical Learning: Theory and Algorithms, 24h, Université Pierre & Marie Curie, France

  • Master: Benjamin Guedj, Statistical Learning: Theory and Algorithms, 30h, Institut de Statistique des Universités de Paris (ISUP), France

  • Master: Serge Iovleff, Object Oriented programming, 20H, Master Mathématiques Appliquées, Statistique - Ingénierie Mathématique, Lille 1, France

  • Master: Serge Iovleff, Probability and stochastic processes, AIMS (MBour-Sénégal)

  • Master: Guillemette Marot, Biostatistics, 44h, M1, U. Lille Droit et Santé, France

  • Master: Guillemette Marot, Coaching project, 12h, M1, U. Lille Droit et Santé, France

  • Master: Guillemette Marot, Supervised classification, 13h, M1, Polytech'Lille, France

  • Master: Cristian Preda, Data Analysis, 40h, M1, Polytech'Lille, France

  • Master: Cristian Preda, Biostatistics, 12h, M2, Polytech'Lille, France

  • Master: Vincent Vandewalle, Classification 60h, M1, U. Lille 1, France

  • Doctorat: Guillemette Marot, Data Analysis with R, 14h, U. Lille Droit et Santé, France


  • PhD: Jérémie Kellner, "Gaussian processes and kernel methods", Université Lille 1, 12/2016, Alain Celisse.

  • PhD: Quentin Grimonprez, "Variable selection in high dimensional setting with correlation", Inria DGA & Université Lille 1, 12/2016, Guillemette Marot, Julien Jacques, Alain Celisse.

  • PHD: Florence Loingeville, "Modèle linéaire généralisé hiérarchique Gamma-Poisson pour le contrôle de qualité en microbiologie", Université Lille 1, 01/2016, Cristian Preda.

  • PhD: Mohamed Yayaha, Lille 3, Sophie Dabo-Niang and Aboubacar Amiri.

  • PhD: Aladji Bassene, Lille 3 & UGB (Sénégal), Sophie Dabo-Niang.

  • PhD in progress: Le Li, "PAC-Bayesian Online Clustering: theory and algorithms", iAdvize & Université d'Angers, 11/2014, Benjamin Guedj, Sébastien Loustau.

  • PhD in progress: Maxime Baelde, "Identification, localisation, séparation temps réel de sources sonores dans les flux audio multi-canaux", A-Volute, Inria & Université Lille 1, 01/2016, Christophe Biernacki.

  • PhD in progress: Anne-Lise Bedenel, "Appariement de descripteurs évoluant dans le temps", PIXEO, Inria & Université Lille 1, 06/2015, Christophe Biernacki, Laetitia Jourdan.

  • PhD in progress: Adrien Ehrhardt, "Modèles prédictifs pour données volumineuses et biaisées. Application à l'amélioration du scoring en risque crédit", CACF, Inria & Université Lille 1, 06/2016, Christophe Biernacki, Philippe Heinrich, Vincent Vandewalle.

  • PhD in progress: Maxime Brunin, "Early stopping rules in statistical learning", 09/2014, Christophe Biernacki, Alain Celisse.

  • PhD in progress: Emad Drwesh, Lille 3, Sophie Dabo-Niang, Jérôme Foncel.

  • PhD in progress: Mohamed Salem Ahmed, Lille 3, Sophie Dabo-Niang and Mohamed Attouch.

  • PhD in progress: H. Sarter, "Outils statistiques pour la sélection de variables et l'intégration de données cliniques et omiques : développement et application au registre EPIMAD", 12/2016, C. Gower, Guillemette Marot.


Christophe Biernacki participated as a reviewer to 5 PhD theses and 1 HdR committee, and as an examiner to 1 PhD thesis and 2 HdR committees. He also participated to 1 recruitment committee for a professor and was president of 1 recruitment committee for an assistant professor.

Alain Celisse has participated as an examiner to 1 PhD thesis.

Sophie Dabo-Niang has participated as an examiner to 4 PhD thesis.

Guillemette Marot was a member of two recruitment committees (MCU Univ. Nice, IE Univ. Lille). She was also an examiner to 1 PhD thesis.

Cristian Preda has participated as an examiner to 1 HdR committee.

Vincent Vandewalle has participated as an examiner to 1 PhD thesis.